Friday, November 12, 2010

Autumn Colors

Autumn colors are in full swing here. The pine trees have turned golden brown and the hillside is dotted with red, yellows, and oranges. The air is brisk and leaves are falling. Being in a small countryside like this, I can for the first time really experience Autumn and it’s beauty. It’s everything I imagined a small village away from the big city would be like. There are no cars or cement streets, no tall buildings, no bright lights. There is nothing here to distract you from really soaking in Autumn. A perfect example of this is when we harvested radishes, yams, pumpkins, and squashes from our very own backyard. We live off the land here and Autumn is the perfect time to harvest all the Fall vegetables before the cold winter arrives. Digging yams was the most fun since it’s like digging for treasure. Because the tubers grow 3 feet deep, you have to be very careful when using the shovel to dig as to not slice them. The beauty of digging for yams is the surprise because you don’t see right away what you’re digging for. Once the tuber is in sight, you can use your hands to scrape and pull it out from the earth. Yes my fingernails have dirt in them, but that just means it's Autumn time.

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